To be considered for our waitlist, please send responses using the contact page.
1. What is the owner/co-owner name, address, phone number, email, and occupation?
2. Why did you choose this breed?
3. Who is the puppy for?
4. Is the puppy going to be a surprise?
5. Do you prefer a gender?
6. Where will the puppy primarily live?
7. Do you own or rent your home?
8. If renting, is the landlord in agreement with the puppy?
9. Will you and your family be able to meet me?
10. When would you like your new puppy?
11. Do you have a fenced yard and/or pool?
12. Will the puppy live inside, outside, or both?
13. Where will the puppy sleep at night?
14. Do you have children? How old?
15. Does anyone living with you have allergies or asthma?
16. Are elderly or disabled individuals living with you?
17. Do you have pets now? If so, what breed and type? Are they spayed, neutered, or intact?
18. What breed of dogs have you owned before? What happened to them?
19. Have you ever euthanized a pet? Why?
20. Are you comfortable with waiting to spay or neuter until maturity?
21. If no one is home during the day where will the puppy be kept?
22. Will you attend obedience class?
23. Are you thinking of an AKC sport, i.e. agility or obedience?
24. What is your veterinarians name and phone number?
25. Who will be grooming your golden?
26. Do you intend to "shave" your golden?
27. How did you hear about us?